KDP with Overlays Plugin (See webinarSynchItems.xml, or download kdp-overlays.zip for usage sample)

A KDP3 Flash Plugin that synchronize display elements during playback as layers over the player.
This module can use loaded external swf and image files, run-time created color shapes with filters or a library display object.
Use the following syntax to define the loaded elements on the synch XML:

The src attribute defines the type of element to create or load and it's specific configuration settings. src attribute is defined as one of the following:

Will create a new instance from a library class (provide the name of the class to instantiate as the ID_OF_LIBRARY_ELEMENT).
This will show a rectangle of the selected color (by hex value) and alpha (0-100).
Text items are autosized and aligned to left always, the size of the text is determined by the specified font size.
Creates an object from a run-time loaded url (image or swf).

The actions attribute id and values can be defined as one of the following:

PLAYBACK_ACTION are KDP Notifications followed by the passed command values; can be either play, pause, seek("HH:MM:SS"), stop, changeMedia, and any other notification supported by KDP3. url;URL_TO_NAVIGATE_TO
Call to any externalInterface function on the hosting page followed by the passed function values
Use to load a new synch XML (usfull in cases of changeMedia that require a change to a relevant synch XML as well) For example: newsynch;http://mydomain.com/newSynchItems.xml

Multiple actions can be defined within the actions attribute, use the following syntax:


For example, use the actions attribute to cause the player to load a new media and the plugin to load a new synch XML:


The filters attribute can be defined in the following format:

For example:
(blur filter with blurX set to 3, blurY set to default and a drop shadow filter with all default values)

The filter type can be defined as one of the following possible filters:

blur( blur_x:Number = 30, - Controls the bluriness over the x axis. blur_y:Number = 30, - Controls the bluriness over the y axis. ) glow( glow_color:uint = 0x33CCFF, - Controls the color of the effect. alpha:Number = 0.8, - Controls the alpha (transparency) of the effect. blur_x:Number = 30, - Controls the bluriness over the x axis. blur_y:Number = 30, - Controls the bluriness over the y axis. strength:Number = 2, - Controls the color density of the effect. inner:Boolean = false, - Determins whether the effect will be applied within the borders or outside the borders of the object. knockout:Boolean = false - Determins whether the effect cause the object to disapear and leave only the borders (contour) visible. ) dropshadow( color:uint = 0x000000, - Controls the color of the effect. angle:Number = 45, - Controls the angle in which the effect will fall from the center of the object. alpha:Number = 0.8, - Controls the alpha (transparency) of the effect. blur_x:Number = 8, - Controls the bluriness over the x axis. blur_y:Number = 8, - Controls the bluriness over the y axis. distance:Number = 15, - Controls the pixel distance of the effect from the objects center. strength:Number = 0.65, - Controls the color density of the effect. inner:Boolean = false, - Determins whether the effect will be applied within the borders or outside the borders of the object. knockout:Boolean = false - Determins whether the effect cause the object to disapear and leave only the borders (contour) visible. )